3 Reasons Why All Businesses Should Be Using Facebook Advertising
Written by Ron Manchester January 29, 2020
If you think of Facebook as just a social media site that people waste their time on, then you are missing out on many possible clients, sales, and opportunities.  Sure there are many people who zombie-out while mindlessly scrolling down their timeline but if you can see the positive things in Facebook you can take advantage and make a killing. The three reasons why businesses should be using Facebook advertising is that one they are cheap, two is that there are 1.2 billion people who use Facebook daily, and three is the amazing ability to specifically target the customers or clients that you want.

Compared to magazine, television, billboard, internet, and other advertising Facebook is a much cheaper option.  Typical cost for an ad in a magazine is $500 to $20,000. For television a 30-second spot broadcast nationally averages around $115,000 in 2019.  Billboards cost anywhere from $4,000 in small to midsize cities to $14,000 or more in larger cities.  Even Google ads can be expensive do to the vast amount of bidders.  On Facebook however, you can run successful ad campaigns for $10 a day.

Where in the world can you access 100 people?  Where in the world can you access 1,000 people?   Where in the world can you access 1,000,000 people?  Maybe a parade, a big event, online somehow.  Honestly I can't think of a good answer for you besides one, Facebook.  Facebook has 1,200,000,000 users daily.  Not only is there a huge amount of people who use Facebook, the amount of time people spend on Facebook is ridiculous.  For people who use the app daily they spend about 41 minutes a day.  Can you say goldmine?

Facebook is the world's largest photo sharing site, thought sharing site, liking site, and demographic and psychographic gathering engine.  Because of this Facebook knows so much about its members.  Their looks, joys, thoughts, and what they visit.  This makes Facebook's ability to target the best in the world.  Facebook knows more about its members than the members know about themselves.  

If you know how to work with Facebook's algorithm you will be able to advertise for cheap, have access to 1.2 billion people, and will be able to target whoever you want.

Ron Manchester

Ron Manchester helps businesses grow through digital marketing. He is an expert at helping people get customers/clients using online methods.
If you're interested in scaling up and growing then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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